> Ragnarok Online 2 Indonesia

Ragnarok Online 2 Game Indonesia

Ragnarok Online II : Legend of the Second is an MMORPG developed by Gravity after success with the competitive world of Ragnarok Online Ragnarok World Championship . Ragnarok 2 now provides a dazzling display of 3D graphics and new features such as Dual Systems Profession diverse , complete guild system and of course a nice community . Ragnarok 2 also still has a Kafra Systems , Raid Boss and PVP as its predecessor .

Like what the story of Ragnarok Online II , is a continuation of the previous Ragnarok or have own storyline ? ? Let 's look together - same story.

synopsis ragnarok online 2

Ragnarok Online 2 Game Indonesia

Goddess Freyja was once a pretty good heart and loves all life in this universe .

But then she changed into a goddess of destruction because he wanted revenge for the betrayal of her husband , ie Odin . In the end he was expelled from Asgard , which is a world where the gods lived . And now he intends to destroy all creation Odin , including Midgard .

The days of massive retaliation from Freyja known as the " Day of Darkness " . Freyja and her faithful 12 Valkyrie , began making natural disasters . They make a tsunami and making fireballs falling into this world . The natural disaster that causes destruction of the world . And in the last days before the destruction of the Midgard continent , appeared a young hero who saved the world .

Among the heroes who emerged , there was a young man named Chaos who is the reincarnation of Baldur . Chaos forces from the adventurer gather that he encounters . And with the help of them , he managed to seal the goddess Freyja in another world called Vanaheim

After the Day of Darkness ends , people start a new life under the empire " Rune Midgard " new . With the leadership of King Pior mean a collapse of the monarchy Geoborg in Midgard . Tristan King Geoborg which is previously disappeared during the Dark Reign Day Pior not last long because it was opposed by those who oppose the economic system to which he applied . In addition , King Pior also abolished the system of monarchical rule and then set up the Republic of Midgard which is under the administration of President Witold Schurt .

War eventually broke back in the Republic of Midgard . This time had to face the attacks of Midgard Continent Svartalf . Svartalf a newly discovered continent of Ymir . At the end of the Republic of Midgard have lost their freedom and became a colony of the continent Svartalf . 20 years later , there is a movement on the continent of Midgard rebellion led by Ignatz Geoborg known as the descendant of the royal family of Tristan . He then expressed his powers and managed to garner the support of famous people on the continent of Midgard . He re- establish a new kingdom of Rune Midgard, and bring it to the height of glory. In the end peace can be enjoyed throughout Midgard and ultimately Freyja story has become a legend .